3 Feb 2015

Goverment, Lupi: "we are not used to make the mats." Renzi: "forward on reforms

 Newvs Form Italy
february 2, 2015 -RaiNews.it
"we are not attached to the seats, but not used to make mats. the bushes have allowed responsablità with the birth of governments letta and renzi." the minister for infrastructure maurizio lupi claims so the political role of the new centre-right government. the game has the quirinale swirled deep aftermath on the majority that supports the government. after the resignation of fabrizio sacconi by parent company of popular area in the senate (grouping of ncd and udc), barbara saltamartini - former spokesman of ncd - leaves the party in controversy: "renzi alfano support him alone." the former governor of lombardy roberto formigoni speaks openly of "verification for the executive." "angelino alfano decided to devote the day today in the personal relation with the leaders of the new center-right, then - argues formigoni - there will be a confrontation in the party leadership to formulate a comprehensive assessment and decide any action." "i see that renziani have flared in saying 'no' to this proposal" verification, formigoni says, "which makes me believe that the proposal is right."
renzi: "we are not here to please the individual, but for the good of italy" speaking in an interview, the internal fractures to the new center-right after the "game of the hill, renzi says," i think that today there is to get back to work calmly. who has to lick their wounds do it. we are not here to please a congressman or a senator, we are not here to compact the internal minorities, but to do good for italy. " then, the prime minister, speaks of reforms. "forza italy will continue to write with us, i believe, and those who thought some secret pact - says the president of the council - on saturday he had his answer. forza italy will have every incentive to stay in the covenant of the reforms with us but if there we will go forward will stand alone. "

Blast after Nigeria presidential rally

 An explosion took place in Gombe on Sunday, a day ahead of President Goodluck Jonathan's visit to the state [Reuters]

Al Jazera.com - A car bomb went off near a stadium in the northeastern Nigerian city of Gombe, a few minutes after President Goodluck Jonathan gave a speech at a party rally there.

A Reuters news agency photographer said the bomb exploded about 200 metres from the stadium on Monday, engulfing the car in flames and killing at least one bystander and wounding eighteen.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, although suspicion is likely to fall on Boko Haram, which has attacked Gombe several times.

Two female suicide bombers were suspected of being behind the blast, rescue workers and health officials said.

"We have evacuated two bodies of females we believe were suicide bombers behind the blast," said a rescue worker, a comment backed by a medical source at Gombe State Specialist Hospital.

Eighteen people were injured in the blast and receiving treatment in hospital, they added.

On Sunday, another suicide bomber blew himself up outside the house of a legislator in the northeast Nigerian town of Potiskum, killing 10 people, two security sources told Reuters. No one immediately took responsibility for the attack.

'Refrain from violence'

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has urged all parties in Nigeria's elections later this month to refrain from violence before, during and after the vote.

In a written statement, Fatou Bensouda said on Monday she would send a team to Nigeria before the February 14 election to "further engage with the authorities and encourage the prevention of crimes."

Prosecutors at the Hague-based court already are conducting a preliminary probe into alleged war crimes committed by Boko Haram and by Nigerian security forces that could lead to a full-blown investigation.

The ICC has been looking into possible war crimes in Nigeria since 2010, but few believe it would be keen to take on another powerful politician after being forced to drop charges related to 2007 electoral violence against Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta in December.

Jonathan faces challenger Muhammadu Buhari, a northern Muslim, in an atmosphere of heightened regional, ethnic and sectarian tensions that many fear could to boil over into widespread violence.

Source: Agencies

2 Feb 2015

SOSMART; The App that call for help

An engineering student from chile created the first smartphone application that can detect a car accident and automatically send a notification with the exact location of the accident.

    How many deaths from road accidents could be avoided if the emergency services arrive faster? an engineering student chilean not merely look at the statistics. has created a free application for smartphones that can detect a car accident and automatically send a notification with the exact location. it's called sosmart.

  Alert the loved ones automatically
The application, developed by anibal madrid, uses sensors to detect movement integrated into the smartphone that, in case of sudden movements, is activated by sending a message to the contacts previously set to notify the incident. the objective is to reduce the time necessary to notify the rescuers. the app sends the alert to emergency contacts - which can be family members, friends, partners - "because no one will work more quickly of their loved ones," says madrid, 23, an engineering student at the university of chile. the idea, said the boy reuters, came to him while he was driving alone at night. here's how it works sosmart

Written by Celia Guimaraes ,Santiago

20 Agu 2014

Program C++ Array 1 Dimensi

Oke teman-teman kali ini saya akan menunjukan contoh penggunaan araay 1 dimensi.
Namun sebelumnya pelu di ketahui dulu apa itu Array.

Pengertian Array 1 Dimensi

Array adalah struktur data yang terdiri  dari  kumpulan  variabel  yang bertipe sama.

Akses   elemen   suatu   array   bersifat random,  artinya  dapat  dimulai  dari mana   saja   dan tidak   harus   dari elemen pertamanya. Namun elemen-elem array tersusun secada berderet dan urut sesuai dengan indeksnya, tapi untuk proses pemanggilannya bisa secara random.
Ada juga array dimensi banyak yaitu :
* Array dimensi 2 (matrik/kolom).
* Array dimensi 3 (kubik).
Namun yang akan kita bahas di sini adalah array dimensi 1.

Contoh bentuk umun array

Tipe data nama_array [ jumlah elemen ];

Nah untuk lebih jelasnya kita langsung ke prakteknya, buka program c++ Anda saya menggunakan Borland C++ kalau yang belum punya silahkan di download disini.
Jika sudah di download langsung ajha di install. buka filenya dan cari kata Setup yang berekstensikan Application. setelah itu ikuti instruksinya.

Contoh Program Array 1 Dimensi pada C++

Nahh setelah itu ketikan kode di bawah ini. boleh di copas....^_^


void main()
int nilai[5];
int i;
char nama[20];
cout<<"masukan Nama Mahasiswa : ";

cout<<"Masukan nilai ujuan mahasiswa,\n";
for(i=0; i<5 i="" span="">
cout<<"Nilai yang ke- "<<(i+1)<<" : ";
cout<<"Mahasiswa yang bernama "<
for(i=0; i<5 i="" span="">
cout<<"\nNilai ke-"<<(i+1)<<" : "<


Jika sudah silahkan di run dengan cara takan Ctrl+F9.

Ayo dincoba semoga tidak error..^_^
Dan semoga juga tulisan ini bisa membantu Anda.

Fungsi Const dalam Pemrograman C++

Dalam C++, Const mendefinisikan sebuah variable yang nilainya tak dapat di rubah atau sudah di tetapkan oleh user. Const adalah cara yang di siapkan untuk mendefinisikan konstanta dalam C++.
Const juga dapat di gunakan untuk modifier tipe di dalam prototype fungsi rangkaian pemanggil menetapkan sebuah argumen yang tidak dapat di ubah.
Bentuk umum untuk mendefinisikan Const :

const nama_const = nilai const;

Contoh :

const ZERO = 0;

contoh ini mendefinikan const dengan nama ZERO bertipe integer yang bernilai "0" dan nilai ini bersifat permanen.
Nama  Const biasanya berhuruf kapital tujannya untuk membedakan dengan variable-variable.
untuk const berarray sering juga di gunakan :

const char HI[]="hello there";

HI adalah sebuah string konstanta bertipe karakter yang berisi "hello there".
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan ketikan source code di bawah ini :


const char hello[]="Terima Kasih...\1";//deklarasi konstanta bertipe char
const double Phi=3.14;//deklarasi konstanta bertipe integer
double hasil,r;
void main()
cout<<"Program Hiting Luas Lingkaran\n";
cout<<"Masukan jari-jari lingkaran (cm) : ";
cout<<"Luas Lingkaran = "<


Dari source code di atas bisa kita lihat bahwa Const Phi=3,14 adalah nilai yang sudah di tetapkan.
dalam Matematika rumus Phi=3.14 atau boleh juga di ganti Phi=22/7 itu sudah di tetapkan untuk mencari luas lingkaran, nah klo menggunkan Const jadi lebih mudahkan....^_^

Contoh output yang akan di tampilkan :

Fungsi Const dalam Pemrograman C++

Demikian penjelasan singkat tentang penggunaan Const pada pemrograman C++.
Selamat mencoba, semoga tulisan ini dapat membantu Anda.